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2019 Contributing to Global Health (pdf) International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Assocs | IVAA The system of anthroposofic medicine 2014 (pdf) EPAAC (www)
Le peculiarità sociali delle Medicine Non Convenzionali a cura di Costantino Cipolla e Paolo Roberti di Sarsina - Prefazione di Bruno Silvestrini Manifesto della Medicina Antroposofica in Italia (pdf) Die Mistel - Il vischio nella terapia dei tumori Le medicine non convenzionali in Italia.
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Collana editoriale del Louis Bolk Institute, NL - Fewer facts, more context and insightThe Bolk's Companions are booklets on medical subjects for students and health practitioners. There are Bolk's Companions on subjects such as Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology, and the Healing Process. They provide concise medical texts on integrative processes in the human body and mind. Their approach to medicine enables readers to discover coherent patterns and gain better insight in what they know about the functioning of the human mind and body. The Bolk's Companions are used in courses on Integrative Medicine at various universities and medical schools in the Netherlands and abroad. For more information please download our brochure.